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MFF Reader Poll Results: The Top 21 Horror Films of the 21st Century!

August 18, 2015

Hello all. Mark here.

The results are in and they cover pretty much every aspect of the “horror” genre. We received over 3,500 votes (you listen to the podcast where we break down the films/voting on Itunes or Blog Talk Radio) and appreciate everyone who stopped by to vote (Big thanks to the AV Club for sharing!). The 21st century post was a lot of fun to write and I’ve enjoyed the discussions, podcasting  and complaints that The Shining wasn’t on the list. If you didn’t catch the original post, I sorted through hundreds of 21st century horror films, gathered a list of 160 and broke down the data into four categories. Here are the four lists I came up with.

Top 20 Critically Rated Horror films according to Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic Critics

Top 20 Audience Rated Horror films according to IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes Audience Scores and Metacritc Users

Top 25 Rated horror films from Rotten Tomatoes Critics, RT Audience Score , Metacrtic, Metacritic User Score and IMDb Users

The Top 10 rated according to Shocktillyoudrop,Dread Central, Fangoria (with info from the chainsaw awards), Bloody Disgusting and Bloody Good Horror

When I finished the lists I took the top ten critic/audience rated horror films and combined them with favorites that were left out or featured on the horror movie critics overall best list. It was a comprehensive list that offered an “other” box for write-ins so all 21st century horror films could be covered and voted on (the poll is here if you want to see it).

I originally was only going to write about the top 10 but when I looked through the list I had to cover the top 21. What I like about the 21 films is they cover every aspect of horror. It is an eclectic mix that features French transcendent torture, demon goats, ivory business cards, death via Merman and quite possibly the scariest child killer ever (the only competition is the Troll from Ernest Scared Stupid. He wrecked my youth).

Monster Pans Labyrinth

Peekaboo, I see you! Now, I’m gonna walk all creepy like and attempt to eat you.

There was no runaway winner and I love that the voting was so close. The films were directed/written by first time directors or crafted by savvy genre veterans . It is young meets old and all of it is fresh (except the zombies). Horror is such a tough genre to predict because it is full of cult classics, loud supporters and incredibly dedicated fans.  It offers a little bit of everything and I don’t think anybody will ever agree on what is and what is not horror. Before I wrote the post I was doing some horror homework and I came across an indiewire article about the top 25 horror films (very good list) of the 21st century. I found this quote and it intrigued me:

A vocal contingent flew the flag for movies like “Haute Tension,” “Martyrs,” “A Field In England” and “The Devil’s Rejects,” but were shouted down by the equally vocal anti-contingent.

Through the course of writing, publishing and sharing the horror data it has been fun listening to the different vocal contingents of horror go at it. I believe the final product of the original 21st century horror data was pure because it covered every base and gave the user/audience a chance to have their voices heard. The glory of this poll is that votes speak the loudest. That is why I am happy to share the top 21 with the readers because you voted for it.

Thank you voting! Enjoy! Comment and share the post. Never go spelunking in unknown cave systems.

Descent actor gif

I compiled a list of the films available for streaming on Netflix or Amazon and we recorded a podcast about the creation of the list and response to the data. Also, if you are into horror films I’m pretty certain we came up with the most random horror film ever on the podcast.

If you get a chance check out these five horror hybrids that I really like. They deserve a bigger audience.

  1. Cheap Thrills
  2. Creep
  3. Honeymoon
  4. Dog Soldiers
  5. Spring

When you are done with this post check out the results of the “What are Your Favorite 21st Century Horror Films That Don’t Appear on “best of” Lists.” poll. We had 5,300 votes and I really like the films that made the cut.

21. (tie) Session 9 (2001)

I remember hearing about Session 9 back in the day and I couldn’t find it anywhere. So, I went on Ebay and bought it for way too much money. The gamble was worth it as the mostly day time horror film mesmerized me. It didn’t rely on jump scares and instead created creepy new scares to wreck my sleep. I don’t think I can ever forget the sound of the tape recordings playing inside the abandoned mental hospital (they found a perfect location). Director Brad Anderson blended new school digital photography and an old school adherence to creating dread and the result was a little film that defied expectations

Session 9

Nothing good could ever happen here.


21 (tie). The Devil’s Rejects (2005)

The Devil’s Rejects is the kind of film that wears you down, tests your resolve and stresses out your television. That is not an insult. It is a well made grime fest that proved Rob Zombie was a man with a dark humorous vision. The Devil’s Rejects is skillfully made, acted to perfection and almost makes you feel sad when a Free Bird soundtracked gunfight opens up.  Rob Zombie succeeded in finding art in depravity and even if you find the film deplorable you can’t say it wasn’t well made. Also, it features this line spoken by a guy named Otis B. Driftwood.

 Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant  Mark Twain sh**. ‘Cause it’s definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone.

Devils rejects


20. What We Do in the Shadows (2014)

What We Do in the Shadows is a glorious comedy/horror mockumentary that centers around four vampires who live in New Zealand. The horror hybrid blends comedy with lots of gore and features some of funniest characters of the last several years. It is a creative blast of niceness and violence that will most certainly become a cult classic. The 85 minute film is so full of one-liners, sight gags and hilarious characters you need to watch it more than once.

What we do in the shadows jemaine clement gif


19. Paranormal Activity (2007)

Paranormal Activity is a tiny $11,000 film that exploded in the theaters. It placed a camera in a static position and managed to create more scares via dread and anticipation than I could’ve ever imagined. The best thing about PA is that it introduced us to an incredibly jerky demon that loved to pull bed sheets and occasionally drag people out of rooms. There is a moment that I love when a paranormal investigator walks into the house and immediately realizes he needs to go because it isn’t safe. PA did something many movies fail to do. It created a villain that scared the crap out of the audience (until they named it Toby)



18. The Mist (2007)

The Mist is a proof that quality finds a way. I am 100% certain audiences weren’t ready for this bleak and tragic Stephen King adaptation. They went in expecting a creature feature and instead were treated to religious zealots, terrifying monsters and an ending that reached through the screen and punched them in the face.  Scott Mendelson of Forbes wrote a post entitled the Five “Best” Horror Films That flopped. In that list he included The Mist. Here is what he had to say about its failure at the box-office and eventual resurrection on DVD

Thanksgiving isn’t exactly the time to release an insanely grim spine-tingler that explicitly condemns human paranoia and religious-fueled mania, so it didn’t exactly light the box office world on fire. The Mist opened with $8 million over Thanksgiving weekend 2007, ending up with just $25m.  Thanks to a surprisingly robust $31m overseas take, the $18m horror tale eventually turned a profit, and the multiple DVD/Blu-Ray releases helped too, including one that included the film as Darabont intended, in black-and-white.  No matter in color or black-and-white, the film is genuinely terrifying, and it’s a shame it hasn’t developed more than a passing cult following.

The Mist


17. The House of the Devil (2009)

House of the Devil does something gloriously audacious. It builds to a single scare that is so effective you are left absolutely deflated and exhausted.  Ti West (Innkeepers, Sacrament) directed House of the Devil with a rare patience and clear vision. He takes the story of a babysitter in an old house and puts a new spin on it by focusing on dread and patience instead of blood and guts. West clearly knows that the fun is in the journey and the payoff is in the unexpected beauty of a really ugly face.



16. American Psycho (2000) (Despite it being released in 2000 American Psycho was added to the list)

Do you like face cream, chainsaws, business cards and blood? Well, American Psycho is for you. This book adaptation features an all in Christian Bale performance and savvy direction by Mary Harron. It is like a fever dream of pent-up frustration that goes to spectacularly bloody lengths. You’ll laugh, cringe and appreciate a movie that captures a tone so perfectly. I love that Bateman is an obvious monster but everyone around him is too self-centered to notice. He thrives in a corporate wasteland where his eccentricities and evident insanity are easy to hide even as his mask of sanity peels off. American Psycho wears many hats and manages to stay true to its source material and remain in the cinematic lexicon by sheer audacity and memorable carnage.

American pyscho


15. Trick r’ Treat (2007)

Trick r’ Treat has had a unique journey to cult classic success. It was filmed, shelved for years, released on DVD and has since built an incredibly loyal fanbase. Here is what TrT’s director Michael Dougherty had to say about the journey to IGN.

 It feels great. There’s nothing like it. It’s a very unique path for a movie to take. Usually, your movie comes out, and it’s a big deal for a month — if you’re lucky — then it sort of just fades and goes off onto DVD, and that’s it. That includes most big awards films and whatnot, tentpoles — same thing. But for this tiny little movie, which didn’t have a lot of support, to continue to grow year after year solely from fans showing it to people, obviously using the love of the holiday itself, it’s kind of amazing. I don’t know of too many other films that have had this kind of a journey. For me, personally, it’s very rewarding because it’s a really personal film. This has very much been a passion project of mine for a long time. It was a very emotional journey. So to continue to watch it grow and never plateau — it just continues to grow — I’m kind of speechless.



14. [Rec] (2007)

[Rec] might be the most pure horror film on the list. It is a non-stop death machine and it builds to an iconic moment involving one of the best horror drags ever. [Rec] never lets you catch your breath and feels like a 90 minute roller coaster.  I guarantee that [Rec] is the only horror film that requires you to drink Gatorade halfway through because you are sweating so much. It is an economic wonder that proves when done right the found footage style can aid in the killing.

Rec gif


13Martyrs (2008)

Pain and transcendence paint the theme of this intense, cruel, relentlessly brutal film that will lead you to dark places free from the moral burdens of compassion.

MFF co-writer John wrote the above quote and he is right. Watching Martyrs is like a ten-mile hike in the rain that only goes uphill. You will not enjoy the experience but when you are on top of the mountain looking down the journey doesn’t seem all that bad.



12. The Conjuring (2013)

The Conjuring is a wonderful beast. The acting, storytelling and massive amounts of dread are proof of a director on the top of his game. James Wan directed the wonderful Insidious and proved horror can be told on a budget and not be a remake, sequel or prequel. Certain critics complained of Wan’s usage of Poltergeist themes but as Alonso Durade of The Wrap so elegantly put it:

The Conjuring doesn’t try to reinvent the tropes of horror movies, whether it’s ghosts or demons or exorcisms, but Fred Astaire didn’t invent tap-dancing, either.

James Wan has become a maestro of mini-budget mayhem. He tells tightly knit stories in which family is important, demons are totally evil and the acting is always wonderful. Wan made the incredibly smart decision to bring back Patrick Wilson from Insidious and add the wonderful Vera Farmiga. Together they play the real life couple Ed and Lorraine Warren who believe they were put together to do the world good. Aside from being the world’s best looking paranormal duo they have grace, charm and the authority to go head to head with persistent spirits

What I like most about this couple is they have a locked room inside their house where they keep all the evil (?) artifacts. They don’t want them destroyed because the spirits will be released and they don’t want them in the populace because they will continue to terrorize. You have to appreciate people who risk their safety to protect the world.



11. The Ring (2002)

The Ring might be one of the best looking horror films ever made. Gore Verbinksi directed the hell out of it and Naomi Watts does a brilliant job of being scared by a little girl who crawls out of televisions. I am still amazed that this bleak and melancholic little thing blew up so big. The beauty of the cinematography and overall grayness created a mesmerizing and occasionally terrifying dread machine.

The Ring well


10Drag Me To Hell (2009)

Written by Megan (my beautiful wife).

I first watched Drag Me To Hell on one of my first dates with my now husband (your esteemed author). As you might imagine, a creepy old woman, a goat, curses and a kitten’s death scene made for a memorable date. While I mostly dislike movies with gratuitous pet deaths, I’ll always have fondness for this one because it is part of ‘our’ story and the beginning of my insight into Mark’s love for movies. We have rehashed our favorite scenes many times, both the funniest and grossest, and those conversations never fail to bring back the memories of our few dates and the movies that we watched. I hope you watch this movie, enjoy the absurdity of it and are lucky enough to find a partner to share all of your favorite movie moments with. Moral of this story: make sure your buttons are sewn on tightly!

Alison Lohman Drag Me


9. Mulholland Drive (2001)

Written by Zach Beckler (Check out the trailer for his feature film Interior!)

It seems fitting that a film about the Hollywood dream becomes the definitive cinematic depiction of a nightmare. Is Mulholland Drive a horror film? I think that question infects most of David Lynch’s films, as the narrow-minded idea of tropes and sub-genres does not really apply to them. Lynch is an original; he does not follow any rules or aesthetic cues of horror, he creates them. After the droning sonic ambiences of Eraserhead, horror films never sounded the same. You can divide the history of sound in horror into Pre-Lynch and Post-Lynch (The Shining being the definitive Post-Lynch horror film.) This is the same reason people have difficulty labeling Hitchcock films as horror, even though he pioneered most of the theories of suspense filmmakers still use today.

There are many moments of dread and suspense in Mulholland Drive that cannot be traced to this genre, like the Club Silencio, “This is the girl,” and the unexplained changes in identity. But if there was still any doubt, the “Man Behind Winkies” scene puts it to rest and delivers one of the most effective scares in the history of cinema. It is a perfect self-contained unit, using the sort of dream logic you find in 70’s Italian horror that Lynch perfected throughout his career. Two men in a restaurant who we have not met in the film, nor do we really see again except in a cutaway later, are having a conversation about a dream. In the dream, there was a man behind the restaurant, and everyone was terrified of him. “I can see his face,” the man says. “I hope I never see that face ever outside of a dream.” As the other man reassures him and goes to pay, the man sees his dream coming to life. Then he walks, painstakingly slowly, to the back of the restaurant. When I saw this in theaters, I remember thinking, “There is nothing they can show me that is worse than what I am imagining.” Then we see the man… And for the first time ever, I felt the true fear of a nightmare in a film; that helplessness that this was happening to me and there was nothing I could do. That face was worse than anything I could have imagined because it was so simple and so haunting. This sort of uncanny horror is something I have been chasing in my own work ever since I saw that man behind Winkies. To lead the audience to a mind state in which anything can happen, and the uncertainty of whether it will. The process of watching any film is a dream, and this film perfectly captures how easily it can turn into a nightmare. This is horror at its finest.

Mullholland Drive


8. Shaun of the Dead (2004)

What I love most about Shaun of the Dead is how they featured an incredibly rehearsed and ambitious  two-minute steadicam shot. The moment isn’t about terror, violence or showing off. The shot centers around a slacker making his way to a shop while not noticing the carnage around him. He is so checked out that he doesn’t notice the blood he slips on or slow-moving zombies all around him. It is a moment of pure cinematic nerd glory and proves that this film about two dudes, a lady and a pub is a lovingly made zombie film. Viva la Cornetto and Edgar Wright!


7. The Babadook (2014)

The Babadook is a visually arresting horror hybrid that proved to be an amazing calling card for director Jennifer Kent. The Babadook is the type of movie that transcends genre and much like Rosemary’s Baby adds class to the horror world. The fact that The Babadook was universally praised by critics while featuring a truly bonkers plot proves that we are in a solid time for horror. I love what Kent said about horror filmmaking to New York Magazine.

I continue to watch modern horror films, despite the constant disappointment. I don’t think a lot of the filmmakers making horror now know its worth, or realize the potential of the genre. Just because it’s a horror film doesn’t mean it can’t be deep. I think a lot of filmmakers who make horror now go in with dubious motives — money, predominantly. They want to make a film that will feel like a theme-park ride, and ultimately make a lot of money.But horror is a pure form of cinema. I think there are some modern-day filmmakers our there who understand that. The films that will stand the test of time are the ones that have depth

Film title - The Babadook......Noah Wiseman in Film title - The Babadook..., released in cinemas 24th Octoberfilm title: Film title - The Babadook... (2014) Noah Wiseman as Samuel

Film title – The Babadook……Noah Wiseman in Film title – The Babadook…, released in cinemas 24th Octoberfilm title: Film title – The Babadook… (2014)
Noah Wiseman as Samuel


6. It Follows (2014)

Director David Robert Mitchell (The Myth of the American Sleepover) takes my favorite aspects of horror (urgency, dread, patience) and combines them with a beautifully simple story about the dangers of sex. Mitchell lets the film breath and this allows the rabbit and hare story to unfold organically. The teens sleepless state creates a dreamy atmosphere that is captured nicely by the lingering camera and patient editing. The film moves at a methodically slow pace yet you have a hard time catching your breath. It Follows is a perfect example of 2014-2015 horror. It takes familiar elements and makes them fresh again.

It follows


5. Let the Right One In (2008)

 Let the Right One In takes zero shortcuts, makes nothing easy and might be one of the best looking horror films ever made. It is painfully serious and respects the audience in its desire to hold nothing back. It is the rare film that appeals to the arthouse and grindhouse. It is an unforgettable masterpiece that will linger in your memory and make you think twice about bullying somebody while in an indoor swimming pool.

Let the right one in


4. The Descent (2005)

Director Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers, Game of Thrones, Doomsday) is a maestro of mayhem who keeps his films moving briskly and expertly. He understands urgency and the need to keep moving forward. If you stop you die, and the ladies in The Descent have no choice but to keep moving. He directed a beautifully layered horror film that juggles, claustrophobia, monster mayhem and urgency. If you listen to the commentary you realize that it wasn’t a fluke. It is a carefully crafted movie that was thought out on every level and achieves the “pure cinema” label.

Descent blood gif


3. 28 Days Later (2002)

Written by VJ Long (occasional contributor of amazingly VJ posts)

As an extreme alpha male (joke) I’ve often had the daydream of saving my girlfriend from an attack of infected rage zombies. The film 28 Days Later coupled with the fact I’ve no formal fighting experience continues to squash that daydream. This movie is a constant reminder just how scary the rampage apocalypse could be and I’m not just talking about the infected. It gives a frightening portrayal of how harsh the human race can be in times of crisis. I think that’s the true element of fear! 28 Days Later leaves the viewer terrified not only due to the infected rage zombies but also due to the fact that we can’t always trust the very people we are supposed to turn to in times of dire need.

28 Days Later


2. Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)

I will let Roger Ebert and his immaculate prose speak for Pan’s Labyrinth. 

“Pan’s Labyrinth” (2006) took shape in the imagination of Guillermo del Toro as long ago as 1993, when he began to sketch ideas and images in the notebooks he always carries. The Mexican director responded strongly to the horror lurking under the surface of classic fairy tales and had no interest in making a children’s film, but instead a film that looked horror straight in the eye. He also rejected all the hackneyed ideas for the creatures of movie fantasy and created (with his Oscar-winning cinematographer, art director and makeup people) a faun, a frog and a horrible Pale Man whose skin hangs in folds from his unwholesome body.

What makes Del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth” so powerful, I think, is that it brings together two kinds of material, obviously not compatible, and insists on playing true to both, right to the end. Because there is no compromise there is no escape route, and the dangers in each world are always present in the other. Del Toro talks of the “rule of three” in fables (three doors, three rules, three fairies, three thrones). I am not sure three viewings of this film would be enough, however

Pans Labyrinth

The Winner: Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Cabin in the Woods put a spin on the horror genre, turned it 180 degrees and let a Merman eat it. It is a much delayed horror classic that incorporates humor, blood and a trowel as a death weapon. It isn’t afraid to kill its characters and has some huge genre killing balls. Drew Goodard and Joss Whedon have given the world a beautiful horror hybrid that started as an underdog and has become a classic of the  genre. In an interview with the AV Club, Joss perfectly encapsulated Cabin with this quote:

If you love horror, then you’ll love Cabin In The Woods!” And: “If you don’t love horror, you still might love Cabin In The Woods!” It’s designed for hardcore horror fans, but it’s also designed for everybody else. There’s enough thought and care and love and great craft that went into doing it, that the fact that it has some thrills and some hideous gore is—well, it’s either the cake or the icing. I’m not sure which. There’s cake. All I know is, you see it and you get cake.

We need a prequel so we can check out more of these monsters! Enjoy the cake!


What are your favorite 21st century horror films? Comment on Facebook, Twitter or below to let us know what films you love! Thank you for voting and reading!

Polls are closed (thank you for voting!). Make sure to check Twitter (@moviesfilmsflix) for the best 21st century horror films that you won’t find on “best of” lists.

92 Comments leave one →
  1. August 18, 2015 6:08 pm

    How is The Orphanage/El Orfanato not on this list or even the back-up list? I’m stunned.

    • August 18, 2015 6:22 pm

      The Orphanage placed 15th on the overall critic/audience list. Which is really good. However, It just didn’t get the votes on the poll. I love the film and would’ve been really happy if it made the top 21.

    • John Leavengood permalink
      August 19, 2015 10:14 am

      I feel that, when asked to reflect on their favorites among horror, people recall the holy shit factor films more than the great films that may have been more subtle. For me, The Orphanage was subtle, although creepy, and beautifully done. I fear this will lead to people forgetting it more easily when cued to list their top horror. But if you ask them about the film directly (thus reminding them), I’d bet people would react as if impacted more appropriately by it.

      • August 19, 2015 10:28 am

        Of all the exclusions I think The Orphanage was the most glaring. I love that movie. I 100% agree that it is one of those movies where people are like “oh yeah! I totally forgot about it. I love that film.”

  2. Andrea permalink
    August 18, 2015 7:13 pm

    Sinister deserves to be on any top-horror-movies list.

    • Andrea permalink
      August 18, 2015 7:27 pm

      And also Evil Dead 2013. I mean, there is an endless list of horror movies that are better than stuff like Rob Zombie and Paranormal Activity, they’re pure garbage.

      • August 20, 2015 1:39 am

        Yeah, no. Rob Zombie deserves scorn. A LOT of scorn. However, Devil’s Rejects is a great, masterfully made film. He regretfully has some scenes that are painfully bad, but it’s overall pretty genius for the genre and what he was aiming at. The highs obliterate the lows and it deserves the credit it gets. Evil Dead The Remake, however, is absolute shit and a truly clueless example of not getting what made the original work or how over the top gore can’t make up for lackluster film making.

  3. August 18, 2015 8:06 pm

    This list is bullshit. Like the guy above said – Sinister and Evil Dead. The Rite and maybe even Amityville Horror is scarier than some of the ones on that list

    • August 20, 2015 1:40 am

      Amityville Horror? Really? You are not a horror fan. Go away.

    • August 24, 2015 6:58 am

      this is not about what is the scariest… it’s about the best horror films overall, meaning movies with great acting, great cinematography, story, sound, effects, camerawork, directing and a lot more. it’s not about the scares

  4. Natalie permalink
    August 18, 2015 8:17 pm

    great list and article! My favorite is actually your comment about the troll from Ernest scared stupid. I couldn’t agree more. I looked around doorways and wouldn’t go outside in the dark alone and often fell asleep trying not to think about just how f****** scary that thing was. Lol well done

  5. siw permalink
    August 18, 2015 8:49 pm

    Sinister was super scary. What about The Strangers? Insidious 2? It Follows….SUCKED! An hour and a half of my life that I will never get back!

    • August 20, 2015 1:42 am

      Okay. First one I agree with. The Strangers was fucking brilliant. THAT should be on the list, for sure.

  6. Steve permalink
    August 18, 2015 9:36 pm

    “Do you know how you can spot a great genre film? Look for copycats and in the case of The Ring its success ushered in a new era of subpar Japanese remakes.”

    You do know that the 2002 version of The Ring was a remake of a Japanese film, right?

  7. August 18, 2015 9:38 pm

    “Do you know how you can spot a great genre film? Look for copycats and in the case of The Ring its success ushered in a new era of subpar Japanese remakes.”

    You do know that the 2002 version of The Ring was a remake of the 1998 Japanese original right?

    • August 18, 2015 10:23 pm

      Yep. The successful remake ushered in a new wave of remakes. I will make that more clear.

  8. August 18, 2015 9:40 pm

    You may know this but I can’t be sure based on your comments regarding sub-par Japanese remakes. The Ring is a remake of the Japanese film Ringu which I believe was a huge success in Japan four years before The Ring was released in the US.

    • August 18, 2015 10:22 pm

      Yep. I meant that the remake ushered in a new wave of remakes.

      • August 28, 2015 10:43 pm

        Thanks for the reply. Though I didn’t say it, I think this is a great list and I especially love Megan’s bit about Drag me to Hell as it gets to the heart of why, while I do love my friends who have lukewarm opinions on movies, I will always gravitate towards people who want to dissect scenes and discuss soundtracks and influences etc because, for me, it is all integral to my passion for cinema. It is a great thing to have in common with someone.

  9. August 18, 2015 9:44 pm

    Ringu was much better than The Ring. Nailed it on The Babadook, Descent, and Let The Right One In; I liked [REC], 28 Days, Pan’s, Shaun, and Drag…; Paranormal and Cabin always seemed too mainstream to even check out, so now I will. It Follows was pretty stupid: like a next generation Blair Witch Project. I also think either Repulsion, Teeth, or Audition should have been included somehow. And Evil Dead 2013 was goddamn amazing!!! I mean, that was A LOT of blood!

    • g2-8a1d85dee01ff7ce23891714a24156b3 permalink
      August 23, 2015 3:20 pm

      Audition came out in the 90s, but the are many great Asian films that were inexplicably ignored (Shutter, Tale of Two Sisters, I Saw the Devil, Ichi the Killer). As far as horror comedy, I would’ve included Housebound and Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. Eden Lake was as good a “chase” film as I’ve seen. The Devil’s Backbone should be autormatic Top 5 (better than The Orphanage, who others are pushing). I would’ve also mentioned Brotherhood of the Wolf, Pandorum, Pontypool, Trollhunter, and the sadly little-known Thai gem, Dorm.

      • August 23, 2015 3:23 pm

        I need to watch Pontypool. Will check it out on Netflix.

      • g2-8a1d85dee01ff7ce23891714a24156b3 permalink
        August 23, 2015 5:36 pm

        If zombies are your cup of tea, I can also recommend Stake Land, Versus, and Dead Snow 2, if you haven’t yet seen them. The latter is also one of my favorite horror-comedies.

      • August 23, 2015 5:40 pm

        Watched them all. Love the Dead Snow films!

  10. August 18, 2015 10:31 pm

    All very good films

  11. Ramon permalink
    August 18, 2015 11:05 pm

    ‘Mothman’ still makes me afraid to drive at night and/or over bridges.

    • John Leavengood permalink
      August 20, 2015 8:47 am

      That was the most creeped out I’ve felt in a loooong time. And what a cast!

  12. August 19, 2015 3:46 am

    Reblogged this on Greiffblog and commented:
    Huh, grauslige Liste.

  13. Jason Jr permalink
    August 19, 2015 4:10 am

    The great thing about horror is everyone finds different things scary so any chart is hard to please everyone. For shock value, Hostal, The Human Centipede & Saw would of been in there. Possibly zombie flicks such as The Dawn Of The Dead Remake and Pontypool. Other favs include Ju On, Dark Water, The Ruins & The Purge.

    • August 19, 2015 7:43 am

      I really like the Dawn of the Dead remake. It was way better than I could’ve ever expected. You are totally right about people finding different things that scare them. It has been fun reading the comments!

  14. errhead permalink
    August 19, 2015 5:26 am

    I really liked the orignal let the right one in.

  15. August 19, 2015 7:15 am

    Reblogged this on STORY 2 SUCCESS BLOG.

  16. Tomek permalink
    August 19, 2015 7:58 am

    By the way, 2000 is not in 21st Century.

  17. Claude Barefoot permalink
    August 19, 2015 8:45 am

    I loved your list and almost all the movies on it..would have liked to have seen ‘Jeepers Creepers’ on the list of my favorites for sure..I thought it was quite errie and gothic in it’s settings.loved how it evolved from looking like a serial killer to the beast that it became..I think the creeper should have been a modern iconic horror character among the ranks of Myers, Freddy and Jason..

    • August 19, 2015 8:50 am

      Thanks! I love the ending of Jeepers Creepers. It didn’t take it easy on the audience and still freaks me out. I think the sequel wrecked a lot of the momentum. It is was just bigger and dumber.

    • Phil Arbon permalink
      October 20, 2015 3:59 am

      I found Jeepers Creepers unwatchable because of the painful character reactions, they are SO DAMN SLOW. I’ve never seen a horror movie in which main characters are so stupid and slow throughout the entire film. It really let it down for me and ruined any enjoyment I got out of it.

      • David permalink
        December 18, 2015 10:59 am

        How the HELL was anyone in Jeepers Creepers “slow”? Give an example.

  18. Akugan permalink
    August 19, 2015 11:22 am

    American Psycho should probably say “Despite being released in 2000” – the 21st century started with 2001.

    • David permalink
      December 18, 2015 10:59 am

      I disagree. 2000 is the beginning.

  19. August 19, 2015 1:10 pm

    The Babadook should be #1. Most unnerving horror film I’ve seen in a very long time. The second time I saw it, it scared it even more.

  20. Sarah permalink
    August 19, 2015 3:04 pm

    Am I the only person who lived sinister?

  21. August 19, 2015 3:30 pm

    Great list! Although it is an animated film, I would include Coraline.

  22. Jude permalink
    August 19, 2015 7:01 pm

    Overall, nice list…I would omit Devils Rejects and Martyrs. I’d add the French flick Ils (Them) and The Machinist (two Christian Bale flicks)…I think Paranormal Activity and House of The Devil are too low and Cabin and The Descent too high…Let the Right One In is my clear #1. Decent list, nonetheless .

    • John Leavengood permalink
      August 20, 2015 8:46 am

      PA gets brushed to the side all too often. I adore that movie. Eyes were glued to the screen and ears honed towards speakers like a dog cuing in to the sound of rustling leaves in the woods.

  23. sewingmyfish permalink
    August 19, 2015 8:21 pm

    I must be the only person who thought that Cabin in the Woods was pretentious, obvious and not at all scary. Joss Whedon doesn’t know horror half as well as he thinks he does and it just pulled his usual trick of ” Hey, this cliché exists in this genre!” with all the depth of a TV Tropes page.

    • David permalink
      December 18, 2015 11:02 am

      sigh…….You have entirely missed the point of Cabin In The Woods. If you want a SCARY Horror film, then please refer to the billions already made and continuing to be made. Cabin In The Woods is a genius idea because it plays with the old horror tropes, the ones that work and the ones that don’t. The makers of this movie realize all too well that people have seen Horror films for decades and many would like something fresh and new. How to breathe new life into Horror? Show how similar many of them are by stepping OUTSIDE of the norm.

  24. Yves permalink
    August 21, 2015 10:48 pm

    He missed being in the first places: “Saws”, “The Hills Have Eyes”, “The Others” and “The Conjuring”, for example. “The Cabin in the Woods” is just a regular movie!!!

  25. David permalink
    August 22, 2015 11:22 pm

    I strongly disagree with what the author said about almost feeling sorry for the villains being shot to death in The Devil’s Rejects. At no point in
    the movie did I ever, ever feel “sorry” for what these scumbags got. I never forgot that they were evil to the core and truly deserved every single bad thing they got. The movie made it seem like they were “good guys”. ????? I didn’t feel sorry for Freddy Krueger being burned alive, or Chucky being shot in that toy store, or Jason Voorhees dying the billion times he “died” through out the Friday The 13th movies, and I certainly do not give a wink about some psychotic killers being taken down in a hail of gunfire.

    • Torchlight permalink
      October 31, 2016 4:30 pm

      Devils Rejects was clever for the very reason you hated it. Thinking the sheriff was the good guy Mr Zombie flipped it over and gets you rooting for the bad guys.

      Cabin….. Was/is a genre shake up in the same way that Blair Witch was.

      Descent is an extraordinary horror film, almost perfect at doing what it does from opening reel to final credit. Pacing, script, jumps, atmosphere and performance. A must see. A rear window for horror fans.

      The list is a pretty good,touches all the bases. No where does it mention scariest films! Good all round choices.

  26. Dina permalink
    August 23, 2015 8:29 am

    Thrilled to see The Descent on the list, I would also add High Tension.

  27. August 23, 2015 2:43 pm

    Did I miss something? Where are all the Asian films? Shutter, Ju-on, A Tale of Two Sisters, Battle Royale…these are just a few of the Eastern films that are as good, if not better, than many of the films on this list (and the IMDb scores show me I’m not alone on this). Is it because of crappy American remakes?

  28. Sarah permalink
    September 7, 2015 7:47 pm

    What kind of horror list doesn’t have Inside on it? Way too many American films on here.

  29. August 23, 2015 2:51 pm

    They did really well on the Metacritic/Rotten Tomatoes/imdb lists. I Saw the Devil and Thirst are two of my all time favorites. I think they don’t have enough of an audience yet.


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  5. The MFF Podcast #23: Cabin in the Woods: The Best Horror Film of the 21st Century | Movies, Films & Flix
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  9. #Blaugust 20: Reviewing the “Top 21 Horror Movies of the 21st Century” List | Totally Legit Publishing
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